Our Services
Our services rely on concepInspire Enable Empower.and the platform offers digital interfaces to enable donor and volunteers to provide diverse services as following:
1.Inspiring students is the key to success
Inspiring students help to discover his/her talents, formation of good character, self-management, self-reflection, ambition to achieve and ensure that academic achievement is the result of internal persistence, rather than external pressure.
AKSHARADAAN platform supports to extend a few excellent means of inspiring students such as offering awards and giving praise for the performance, extend motivational gifts, sharing his/her exemplary work to peers, providing motivational experience and mentoring.
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Motivational Scholarships:
- Any person on his/her birthday or disadvantaged student/s birthday can extend one-time transfer to disadvantaged student/s small amount of money as one-month school fee/ tuition fee, purchase of study material, purchase of any material of choice
- Prospective college lecturer directly pays 10th class public examination fee for 20 disadvantaged girl students as one-time scholarship
Urgent Task based Scholarships:
- An enterprising college girl directly purchases and sends train ticket to a disadvantaged student to go elsewhere from his village to write National Talent search examination, attend state level sports competition, or urgent medical fee and many more such urgent needs
- An enterprising college boy directly purchases and sends cricket bat, musical instrument or any o ther relevant material which is of dire requirement to a skilled student and directly transfer to the location details provided
Sponsor awarding students on Auspicious days
- One can choose to support awarding with money, gifts, material of student needs on auspicious days like Children’s day, Teachers Day, Independence Day and Republic Day
2.Enabling students is the fundamental to success
Enabling environment and facilities in terms of strong healthy functioning families, personal conveniences to students and school infrastructure stands as fundamental needs to the student success.
AKSHARADAAN platform helps to directly to select and finance disadvantaged students, provide material support for student’s personal convenience, extending medical advises, enhance exposing and networking with diverse opportunities and strengthening school with modern infrastructure facilities.
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Financial Services
- A donor can select to choose/adopt a student/s for 3 months, six months or for the entire academic year to meet his/her educational expenses with structured monitoring protocols
Material based services:
- A donor can select to choose/adopt a student/s or school/s to supply material like cloths, foot wear, books, umbrella, raincoats and transportation service
Enhance exposure and networking:
- Diverse study tool kits, study materials, e books, e knowledge, information on education, sports, cultural events, competitive tests and academic opportunities could be posted, as well connect with diverse experts for coaching, mentoring and academic counselling.
Facilitating Infrastructure Development:
- AKSHARADAAN identifies the schools lacking primary infrastructure support (Sanitation facility, Fans) or schools looking for advanced infrastructure (Digital class rooms) and draws attention of relevant donors to link up with school management for necessary negotiations and support
3.Empowering students is the commitment to success
Empowering students with diverse knowledge through quality teaching by right people at right time and right means with unstinted commitment goes a long way in bringing over all development and success to the students.
AKSHARADAAN helps to directly interact and provide online coaching, establishing digital class room facilities, serve pool of volunteer teachers, organising syllabus-oriented webinars, catalysing excellence in schools through igniting sparks with better group-based target-oriented coaching, inculcating spirit of competition to achieve individual excellence in the students.
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Individual site level coaching:
- Based on local proximity information provided by the system, the students or donors can choose and mutually organize to have subject/cultural/sport-based coaching, mentoring at their proximate desired locations
Individual Online Coaching:
- Students or donors can choose AKSHARADAAN platform to mutually interact and avail online technical exchanges for subject/cultural/sport/medical requirements with the registered experts or can use several study tool kits provided by the platform.
School level online Coaching:
- AKSHARADAAN identifies all the schools which have online facilities and encourages skilled volunteers to conduct specialised coaching in the form of Webinar.
Offline Catalysis Campaigns
Based on the requirements as understood from the student database, AKSHARADAAN organises customised training/coaching at common place for all the pooled students with voluntary support from donors in terms of coachers, finances and material. The short-term tentative campaigns include:
- Enhancing Excellence in govt schools - Increase number of 10th class students securing 100% marks in mathematics
- Improving through put of govt schools - improve pass percentage of schools
- Imparting English language skills in govt schools - Ensure obtaining minimum pass marks
- Mentoring for personality development: Get connected with opportunities, career planning, civic sense, imparting motivation and confidence
- Enriching health care knowledge- Focused exposure to health care practices and knowledge
How It Works
We work on robust technology Framework aiming to provide online Services without borders ensuring Authenticity on information, Transparency on process, Accountability for services, Ease of doing, with strong Sustainability plans.
Our Framework
Ours is a two-way interactive digital platform, adopts state of art information technology, geospatial platforms and security systems. It enables to build information on schools seeking support for disadvantaged students and infrastructure development, information on prospective donors, facilitates them to interact either to seek or to render services.
Services without borders
Being online system with open access, it permits any school from any part of the country to register on their self-interest and seek support for their disadvantaged student/s or to build their infrastructure. At the same time, it also permits any person/institution to join at his self-interest as donor to extend service for the choice of his own. In view of this it facilitates evolving self-initiative citizen models to work together on their mutual interest and spirit.
Authenticity of Information
A comprehensive questionnaire prepared by social scientists is used to capture academic, socio-economic credentials, personal convenience needs of the students and also need requirements of the school. The concerned class teacher uploads such student’s information after being authenticated by students’ parents and school Principal. Similarly, AKSHARADAAN maintains certain validation conditions to accept the registration of prospective donor.
Transparent Process
The platform supports the donor to have online interactions with school to select a student of his/her choice, offer a service of his interest as per his own terms and conditions and vice versa with schools. The fund and material transfers are directly made to the beneficiaries with intimation to Aksharadaan to maintain record of successful transaction of services. Towards sponsorship for conducting short term campaigns, Aksharadaan publishes online component wise budget requirements on a most transparent manner.
Ease of doing
The platform eases the process of selecting a student, donor and rendering services through most automotive process with lesser inputs and user-friendly interfaces. For example , the moment donor registers on the platform, he/she will be automatically shown with information on students from his native place, his/her nearest residence, same date of birth as that of donor, students seeking service which donor is interested to provide to optimise selection process.
Accountability for services
Donor is free to define his protocols for accountability to be followed by schools or could follow set of protocols defined by AKSHARADAAN. The platform facilitates to upload supporting documents on academic progress, expenditures against the services received as per the agreed terms.
Sustainability Plans
AKSHARADAAN undertakes Inspiration study (Pilot district study) pools up different categories of donors to render all types of services as mentioned above and understand the different implementation aspects of AKSHARADAAN-Student- Donor, Aksharadaan- Principal- Donor interaction systems. With more maturity and understanding of the system, self-initiative models like Student -Donor, Principal- Donor and then Donor – Principal would emerge resulting in more schools using the AKSHARADAAN platform and helping students without much direct involvement of AKSHARADAAN. As a Voluntary Self Propagation Chain, Self-Initiative Citizen models are expected to originate and die with certain equilibrium to reach very high number over time. AKSHARADAAN promotes over 3-4 years to get idea established and runs as a self-initiative model.